Re: Registry file

Irene VATTON (
Mon, 01 Dec 1997 16:19:29 +0100


To avoid any problem with the Thot library, you have to respect the following

Thot---+ config -+ en-XXXdialogue (application dialogue)
| |
| + thot.ini
+ XXX ----+ EDITOR.A (application sources)
| |
| + *.c
| |
| +
+ obj ----+ bin ----+ XXX (application executable)
+ XXX ----+ *.o

Please check Amaya and Thot editor examples.

In-reply-to: Your message of Mon, 01 Dec 1997 15:20:20 +0100.
> Hi,
> When I build my application based on Thot library (by doing app),
> the execution of this application produce the warning telling that
> "System wide thot.ini not found at /...MY_HOME_DIR.../config/thot.ini"
> Where can I tell (in simple way) to my application that Thot Registry
> is elsewhere ($THOTDIR/config/thot.ini for example).
> In Apiman, I can read :
> void TtaInitialize(char *applicationName)
> Parameter:
> applicationName: name of the application that requires services
> from the tool kit.
> - This name is used for accessing the ressources defined in the
> - Registry.
> I don't understand this last sentence (denoted by -). How it is done.
> Best Regards, Ali.
> PS : I use Thot 2.1e version. I didn't have this behaviour in the
> previous version.

We have met too many problems with the $THOTDIR variable, so we have decided
suppress it and to use the hierarchy to locate libraries, the print (available
all thot applications) and configuration files.