RDF Schema
- RDF schema: kind of dictionary for a domain
- declaration of a set of properties and their corresponding
- relationships between vocabulary items from multiple independently
developed schemas
- Since URI references are used to identify classes and properties in the
Web, it is possible to create new properties that have a domain or range
whose value is a class defined in another namespace.
- class system with the objectives:
- sharability for the reusability of metadata definitions
- extensibility: subclass refinement and multiple inheritance
- RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0 Working Draft 30 April 2002
- To go further... 'ontology' languages: DAML+OIL, W3C WebOnt, inference
rule languages..

- everything is a resource: class, property and statement are subclasses
of resources (nodes with bold outlines)
- properties among resources: range and domain definitions